Outrage grows in India after Israel kills Indian army veteran

Special Outrage grows in India after Israel kills Indian army veteran
Col. Waibhav Anil Kale, a UN employee and former Indian army officer who was killed by Israeli forces, is seen in a photo shared by the UN office in New Delhi on May 15, 2024. (UN)
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Updated 16 May 2024

Outrage grows in India after Israel kills Indian army veteran

Outrage grows in India after Israel kills Indian army veteran
  • Col. Waibhav Anil Kale was working for the UN Department of Safety and Security
  • More than 190 UN staff killed since the beginning of Israel’s onslaught on Gaza

NEW DELHI: The killing of an Indian army veteran serving as a UN staffer in Gaza has stirred outrage in India and prompted calls for the government to hold Israel accountable.

Col. Waibhav Anil Kale was on duty with the UN Department of Safety and Security when his UN-marked vehicle was targeted in southern Gaza on Monday.

A former peacekeeper, he was hit on the way to the European Hospital in Rafah by what the UN said it had no doubt was Israeli tank fire.

The Indian Ministry of External Affairs issued a statement on Wednesday in response, saying it was “deeply saddened by the death” and that it was “in touch with relevant authorities” regarding an investigation into the incident.

The statement did not contain condemnation, unlike in July 2022, when two Indian peacekeepers were killed in an attack on a UN Organization Stabilization Mission base in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

At that time, India’s foreign minister said the perpetrators “must be held accountable and brought to justice” and convened a special meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss the attack.

Talmiz Ahmad, former Indian ambassador to Ƶ, told Arab News on Thursday that the government’s response was “grossly inadequate” given it was a “calculated killing” of an Indian army officer and UN staffer.

“The Indian government can hold Israel accountable. India is a sponsor of a resolution related to the protection of the UN personnel,” he said.

“This particular killing of a UN officer is a targeted killing because it was very obvious to Israelis that this was a UN vehicle, and it was on an official UN mission. A tank deliberately targeted this vehicle.”

New Delhi has always been sensitive to assaults on UN personnel given that it is one of the largest contributors of the organization’s peacekeepers.

The reaction to Kale’s killing was insufficient, according to Kavita Krishnan, a women’s rights activist.

“If a person is a UN employee, he is entitled to protection,” she said.

“The Indian government should specifically hold Israel accountable for this killing. They cannot treat it just as a casualty of war or collateral damage.”

Israel’s deadly siege and bombardment of Gaza has since October killed over 35,000 people, wounded 70,000, and left most of the enclave’s population starving and with no access to medical, food and water supplies.

The UN estimates that more than 190 of its staff members have also been killed in the ongoing onslaught. Kale was the first international UN employee to be killed.

“It’s condemnable that India does not name the fact of assassination. It’s not death. He did not die of illness. He was killed by Israel,” said Apoorvanand Jha, a public intellectual and professor at the University of Delhi.

“Israel kills people who are involved in the health services … kills journalists, aid workers and kills workers involved in the peacekeeping forces. So, it does it knowingly. It is not a collateral damage. Israel does it knowingly — this is what has been recorded many times. Israel needs to be held accountable for all the individual crimes of assassinations and the collective crimes, mass deaths.”

The killing of UN personnel goes against international humanitarian law.

“New Delhi should tell Tel Aviv that it should respect international law,” said Anwar Sadat, senior assistant professor at the Indian Society of International Law.

“The Indian government should issue a diplomatic demarche to the Israeli government.”

The government’s reaction was also seen as not boding well for the safety of Indian workers whom New Delhi has agreed to send to Israel.

Since the beginning of its invasion of Gaza, Israel has revoked work permits for tens of thousands of Palestinian laborers and sought to facilitate their replacement with manpower from South Asia.

In November, the Indian government signed a three-year agreement with Tel Aviv on the “temporary employment” of workers in the construction and caregiving sector.

“If this is the statement that the Indian government can bring for an official who works with the UN, imagine what if it happens with any of the workers. No one is going to speak,” said N. Sai Balaji, assistant professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University.

“This seriously compromises India’s super-power ambitions; it seriously compromises India’s own foreign policy.”

WHO extends anti-pandemic treaty talks

WHO extends anti-pandemic treaty talks
Updated 58 min 33 sec ago

WHO extends anti-pandemic treaty talks

WHO extends anti-pandemic treaty talks
  • WHO agreed in 2021 as the COVID-19 pandemic eased to launch talks on an accord to counter any new global health crisis

GENEVA: The World Health Organization annual assembly on Saturday gave member countries another year to agree on a landmark accord to combat future pandemics.
Three years of efforts to reach a deal ended last month in failure. But WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus hailed what he called “historic” decisions taken to make a new bid for an accord.
The WHO agreed in 2021 as the COVID-19 pandemic eased to launch talks on an accord to counter any new global health crisis. Millions died from Covid-19 which brought health systems in many countries to their knees.
Talks hit multiple obstacles however with many developing countries angry that rich nations monopolized available Covid-19 vaccines.
They have sought assurances that any new accord will make provision of medicines and the sharing of research more equitable.
The WHO annual assembly “made concrete commitments to completing negotiations on a global pandemic agreement within a year, at the latest,” said a statement released at the end of the Geneva meeting.
The assembly also agreed amendments to an international framework of binding health rules to introduce the notion of a “pandemic emergency” which calls on member states to take “rapid” coordinated action, said the statement.
“The historic decisions taken today demonstrate a common desire by member states to protect their own people, and the world’s, from the shared risk of public health emergencies and future pandemics,” said Tedros.
He said the change to health rules “will bolster countries’ ability to detect and respond to future outbreaks and pandemics by strengthening their own national capacities, and coordination between fellow states, on disease surveillance, information sharing and response.”
Tedros added: “The decision to conclude the pandemic agreement within the next year demonstrates how strongly and urgently countries want it, because the next pandemic is a matter of when, not if.”

Anti-Islam campaigner’s supporters chant hate slogans during London protest

Anti-Islam campaigner’s supporters chant hate slogans during London protest
Updated 01 June 2024

Anti-Islam campaigner’s supporters chant hate slogans during London protest

Anti-Islam campaigner’s supporters chant hate slogans during London protest
  • People chant ‘we want our country back,’ hold banner reading ‘this is London, not Londonistan’
  • 9 pro-Palestine activists, holding stationary counter-protest, arrested for leaving pavement

LONDON: Thousands of supporters of British anti-Islam campaigner Tommy Robinson demonstrated in central London on Saturday, chanting anti-Muslim slogans, The Independent reported.
English actor and broadcaster Laurence Fox and Robinson, one of the UK’s most prominent far-right activists, were spotted leading the protest as crowds behind them chanted: “We want our country back.” Protesters carried a banner that read: “This is London, not Londonistan.”
Robinson said on stage: “This is what London should look like … We’re not going to be silenced any longer.” He thanked the Metropolitan Police for “staying out of our way.”
The Independent reported that nine pro-Palestinian activists from Youth Demand, holding a stationary counter-protest nearby, were arrested.
A Scotland Yard spokesperson posted on X: “Nine Youth Demand protesters were arrested for breaching Public Order Act conditions not to leave the pavement.”
Nick Lowles, CEO of Hope Not Hate, a UK-based advocacy group that campaigns against racism, said ahead of the demonstration: “We have unearthed shocking messages from hooligan chat groups where people are threatening to attack people of color, pro-Palestine demonstrators and even the police.”
Commander Louise Puddefoot said: “For some in London, in particular our Muslim communities, comments made by those associated with this event will … cause fear and uncertainty.
“All Londoners have a right to feel and be safe in their city, and we will take a zero tolerance approach to any racially or religiously motivated hate crime we become aware of.”

EU parliament should look to Rome for inspiration, Meloni tells rally

EU parliament should look to Rome for inspiration, Meloni tells rally
Updated 01 June 2024

EU parliament should look to Rome for inspiration, Meloni tells rally

EU parliament should look to Rome for inspiration, Meloni tells rally
  • Meloni, head of the rightist Brothers of Italy party, is one of Europe’s most closely watched leaders

ROME: The next European Parliament should copy the current Italian model of government, drawing together all parties on the right of the political spectrum to rule together, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said on Saturday.
Addressing her only campaign rally ahead of a June 6-9 vote across the European Union, Meloni said the 27-nation bloc needed to rein in its regulatory ambitions and interfere less in the lives of its citizens.
Meloni, head of the rightist Brothers of Italy party, is one of Europe’s most closely watched leaders, presenting herself as a bridge between the mainstream center-right and her own arch-conservative camp, which was previously shunned.
Opinion polls suggest that groups around the political center — the center-right, center-left, Greens and Liberals — will be able to form another majority in the next EU parliament, which decides on laws that drive policy in the bloc.
But Meloni, who leads a coalition in Italy that unites centrist and far-right parties, said she wanted to see this replicated at a European level to foster a conservative agenda.
“We have a clear objective — we want to do in Brussels what we did in Rome a year and a half ago; build a center-right government in Europe and finally send the leftists, reds, greens and yellows, who have caused so much damage to our continent over the years, into opposition,” she said.
In a one hour-long speech, she made no mention of merging her conservative umbrella group in Europe with a far-right alliance that includes Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in France.
While EU moderates say they can work with Meloni, whose party is expected to win the most votes in Italy, they have ruled out any power-sharing deal with Le Pen and her allies.
Meloni said past EU commissions — the bloc’s de facto government — had been out of touch with ordinary people, and that it should be more pragmatic in future.
“Europe can continue to try to regulate every aspect of our existence and be ineffective in crisis scenarios right at our doorstep, or it can choose to do fewer things and do them better,” she told a crowd of flag-waving supporters.
She highlighted areas where she said Europe was failing, including by imposing demanding environmental standards on firms that had to compete against countries with no such restraints or that had much lower production costs.
Specific mention was made to the growing power of Chinese car manufacturers, amid alarm that the EU’s promotion of green energy will damage Italy’s auto industry.
“Europe can continue to open our markets to those who do not respect our same social and environmental standards, or it can protect our businesses adequately from unfair competition to defend the civilization and welfare that has been achieved over the centuries,” she said, to cheers.

Voting ends in the last round of India’s election, a referendum on PM Modi’s decade in power

Voting ends in the last round of India’s election, a referendum on PM Modi’s decade in power
Updated 01 June 2024

Voting ends in the last round of India’s election, a referendum on PM Modi’s decade in power

Voting ends in the last round of India’s election, a referendum on PM Modi’s decade in power
  • If Modi wins, he’ll be only the second Indian leader to retain power for a third term after Jawaharlal Nehru
  • Modi ramped up anti-Muslim rhetoric during his campaign in a bid to energize his core Hindu voter base

NEW DELHI: India’s six-week-long national election came to an end Saturday as the last of the country’s hundreds of millions of voters went to the polls for a contest that’s widely seen as a referendum on Hindu Nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s decade in power.
During the grueling, multi-phase election, candidates criss-crossed the country, pollworkers hiked to remote villages, and voters lined up for hours in sweltering heat. Now all that’s left is to wait for the results, which are expected to be announced Tuesday.
The election is considered one of the most consequential in India’s history. If Modi wins, he’ll be only the second Indian leader to retain power for a third term after Jawaharlal Nehru, the country’s first prime minister.
Most poll surveys show Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party leading over the broad opposition alliance that’s challenging them, led by the Congress party. The votes will be counted Tuesday, with results expected by the end of the day.
Modi’s campaign began on a platform of economic progress, with vows to uplift the poor and turn India into a developed nation by 2047. But it turned increasingly shrill in recent weeks as Modi escalated polarizing rhetoric in incendiary speeches that targeted the country’s Muslim minority, who make up 14 percent of India’s 1.4 billion people.
After campaigning ended on Thursday, Modi went to a memorial site honoring a famous Hindu saint to meditate on national television. The opposition Congress party called it a political stunt and said it violated election rules as the campaigning period has ended.
When the election kicked off in April, Modi and his BJP were widely expected to clinch another term.
Since coming to power in 2014, Modi has enjoyed immense popularity. His supporters see him as a self-made, strong leader who has improved India’s standing in the world, and credit his pro-business policies with making the economy the world’s fifth-largest.
At the same time, his rule has seen brazen attacks and hate speech against minorities, particularly Muslims. India’s democracy, his critics say, is faltering and Modi has increasingly blurred the line between religion and state.
But as the campaign ground on, his party faced stiff resistance from the opposition alliance and its main face, Rahul Gandhi of the Congress party. They have attacked Modi over his Hindu nationalist politics and are hoping to benefit from growing economic discontent.
Pre-poll surveys showed that voters were increasingly worried about unemployment, the rise in food prices and an overall sentiment that only a small portion of Indians have benefitted despite brisk economic growth under Modi, making the contest appear closer than initially anticipated.
The seventh round of polls covered 57 constituencies across seven states and one union territory, completing a national election to fill all 543 seats in the powerful lower house of parliament. Nearly 970 million voters — more than 10 percent of the world’s population. More than 8,300 candidates ran for five-year terms in parliament.
In Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal, voters lined up outside polling stations early Saturday morning to avoid the scorching heat, with temperatures expected to reach 34 degrees Celsius (93.2 Fahrenheit). Modi was challenged there by the state’s chief minister, Mamata Banerjee, who heads the regional Trinamool Congress party.
“There is a crunch for jobs now in the present market. I will vote for the government that can uplift jobs. And I hope those who cannot get jobs, they will get jobs,” said Ankit Samaddar.
In this election, Modi’s BJP — which controls much of India’s Hindi-speaking northern and central parts — sought to expand their influence by making inroads into the country’s eastern and southern states, where regional parties hold greater sway.
The BJP also banked on consolidating votes among the Hindu majority, who make up 80 percent of the population, after Modi opened a long-demanded Hindu temple on the site of a razed mosque in January. Many saw it as the unofficial start of his campaign, but analysts said the excitement over the temple may not be enough to yield votes.
Modi ramped up anti-Muslim rhetoric after voter turnout dipped slightly below 2019 figures in the first few rounds of the 2024 polls, in a move seen as a bid to energize his core Hindu voter base. But analysts say it also reflected the absence of a single big-ticket campaign issue, which Modi has relied on to power previous campaigns.
In 2014, Modi’s status as a political outsider with plans to crack down on deep-rooted corruption won over voters disillusioned with decades of dynastic politics. And in 2019, he swept the polls on a wave of nationalism after his government launched airstrikes into rival Pakistan in response to a suicide bombing in Kashmir that killed 40 Indian soldiers.
But things are different this time, analysts say, giving Modi’s political challengers a potential opportunity.
“The opposition somehow managed to derail his plan by setting the narrative to local issues, like unemployment and the economy. This election, people are voting keeping various issues in mind,” said Rasheed Kidwai, a political analyst.

German court orders man born in Afghanistan held after knife attack at an anti-political Islam event

German court orders man born in Afghanistan held after knife attack at an anti-political Islam event
Updated 01 June 2024

German court orders man born in Afghanistan held after knife attack at an anti-political Islam event

German court orders man born in Afghanistan held after knife attack at an anti-political Islam event
  • A statement from police and prosecutors said that the suspect had lived in Germany since 2014, was married and has two children
  • Officials said that the suspect, who was shot and wounded by police, was hospitalized and not in a condition to be questioned

FRANKFURT, Germany: A German court on Saturday ordered a 25-year-old man born in Afghanistan held on suspicion of attempted murder in connection with a knife attack at an event organized by a group opposing “political Islam” that left six people injured.
The victims included a police officer who remained hospitalized with life-threatening injuries after he was stabbed while trying to intervene, police and prosecutors said in a joint statement.
Officials offered no information regarding the motive for the attack on Friday on the central square in Mannheim.
A statement from police and prosecutors said that the suspect had lived in Germany since 2014, was married and has two children. His apartment in the town of Heppenheim was searched Friday night and police recovered digital devices whose contents were being evaluated.
Officials said that the suspect, who was shot and wounded by police, was hospitalized and not in a condition to be questioned. They said he had no prior police record.
They haven’t disclosed the suspect’s citizenship or immigration status or how he came to Germany.
The group, Pax Europa, describes itself as an organization that informs the public about the dangers posed by the “increasing spread and influence of political Islam.” Michael Stürzenberger, an anti-Islamist activist who is one of the group’s leading figures and has spoken at its events, was among those wounded.
Stürzenberger, 59, posted a picture of himself on his Telegram channel from his hospital bed, showing a long, bandaged cut on his upper lip and cheek. He said he had suffered “significant blood loss” from a stab wound in his thigh as well as a cut on his jaw that had been stapled shut.
The other victims were five men ages 25, 36, 42, and 54. The 25-year-old man has been released from the hospital, while the others were still be treated. The 54-year-old man suffered injuries that were initially life-threatening, but he was now out of danger.