CAIRO: EgyptAir said it will gift free tickets for life to a newborn child who was born on board a flight from Cairo to London Heathrow.
The Egyptian national carrier witnessed the brith of a baby girl on one of its flights between Egypt and the UK this week.
The child's mother, Hayam Nasr Najy, who is from Yemen, went into labor prematurely on Wednesday,The plane diverted to make an emergency landing in Munich, Germany.
A statement by the airliner thanked members of the flight crew and passengers for “their professional handling of this exceptional circumstance.”
هنيء الطيار رشدي زكريا رئيس مجلس إدارة الشركة القابضة لمصرللطيران الراكبة هيام نصر ناجي دعبان يمنية الجنسية علي سلامتها ومنح مولودتها تذكرة سفر مجانية مدي الحياة والتي أنجبتها علي متن الطائرة أثناء رحلة مصرللطيران المتجهة أمس من القاهرة إلي لندن.