Southeastern Iran rocked by 5.2-magnitude quake

Southeastern Iran rocked by 5.2-magnitude quake
People check their mobile phone as they wait in the streets in Tehran overnight on December 21, 2017, after an earthquake was felt in the Iranian capital. The quake measuring 5.2 magnitude struck shortly before 11:30 p.m. (2000 GMT). (AFP)
Updated 21 December 2017

Southeastern Iran rocked by 5.2-magnitude quake

Southeastern Iran rocked by 5.2-magnitude quake

TEHRAN- A 5.2-magnitude earthquake rocked southeastern Iran on Thursday, less than 24 hours after a similar tremor killed two people in the capital Tehran.
Thursday’s tremor hit the Kubandan region, 140 kilometers (90 miles) north of the provincial capital of Kerman, at 8:34 p.m. (1704 GMT), according to the University of Tehran’s Iranian Seismological Center.
Local media reported that the rural area faced power cuts but that no serious damage had been reported. Rescue teams were sent to the area.
The epicenter of Wednesday’s quake, also measuring 5.2 magnitude, was just 40 kilometers (25 miles) west of the capital.
It killed an elderly woman and a young girl in Tehran as well as injuring around 120 people.
Iran sits atop several fault lines, and this week’s quakes are the latest in a series to have hit the country in recent weeks.
On November 12, the western province of Kermanshah was hit by a 7.3-magnitude quake that killed 620 people.