ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Sunday expressed concern “over reports of the growing number of deaths and forced displacement of Rohingya,” urging Myanmar to protect “the rights of Muslim minorities.”
Such reports, “if confirmed, are a source of serious concern and anguish” on the eve of Eid Al-Adha, said Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry.
Islamabad urged Myanmar to investigate reports of massacres and prosecute the perpetrators. Pakistan pledged to “work with the international community, in particular the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation),” to safeguard Rohingya rights.
The world’s youngest Nobel Laureate, Malala Yousafzai, questioned the Myanmar state counsellor’s silence, tweeting: “Over the last several years, I have repeatedly condemned this tragic and shameful treatment. I am still waiting for my fellow Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi to do the same. The world is waiting and the Rohingya Muslims are waiting.”
The secretary-general of the World Muslim Congress, Raja Zafar ul Haq, told Arab News: “We were of the view that after being released from long periods of house arrest and placed in the highest government position, Suu Kyi would help the Rohingya and ease their miseries. I’m disappointed that she didn’t take any action, just to appease Myanmar voters to safeguard her political position.”
Pakistani opposition leader Imran Khan criticized Suu Kyi’s “shameful acceptance” of “genocide” against the Rohingya. Khan also lambasted the Muslim world for “ignoring (their) plight.”
Haq said opening Pakistan’s doors to the Rohingya will be met with stiff domestic resistance as the country already hosts millions of Afghan refugees.
“We’ve already catered to refugees (in the past), including some from Bangladesh and Myanmar,” he said.
“Allowing more at this point will have a grave effect on the massive population and a negative reaction from people.”
Pakistan urges Yangon to protect Muslim minority
Updated 05 September 2017
Pakistan urges Yangon to protect Muslim minority